
Image credits: Katrin Chodor
Image credits: Katrin Chodor

No matter if virtual or in front of a live audience, I really enjoy moderating.


In the past two years, I have led very different audiences charmingly, with humor and eloquently through numerous shows, panel discussions and online streams.


Feel free to contact me for your event or project! Moderations are possible both in German and in English.

Check out an overview of past events that I have moderated:

Cologne Pride 2022:

Throughout the 3-day event of the largest Pride in Europe, I moderated one of the 2 main stages.


Zürich Pride 2022:

For the trans-led edition of the Zurich Pride I moderated the main event in front of 25.000 people  


SchwuZ 2021:

As part of TikTok's #CreatorsForDiversity project, I moderated & shot 60 videos for the TikTok channel of SchwuZ Berlin together with two wonderful co-hosts 


Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld 2021:

Livestream from the studio of the Federal Ministry of Justice – Ceremony for the 10th anniversary of the Foundation.


Filmfest Munich 2021:

Role models and role representation (and what this has to do with real life)


#SportPride 2021:

Paneldiskussion – Football has no gender. Trans* und Intersex People in Sports


QueerZ 2020:

Livestream – I wanna stream for somebody!

Social Media

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